If you are measuring your digital marketing you must be frustrated not knowing where each order or lead came from. but issues can be solved quite easily by adding UTM parameters to all marketing media and ads.
Later, with different tools such as analytics or WEmanage app, you can know in real-time sources of leads and purchases and view reports that paint out the whole picture and allow you to make good decisions.
How to – UTM parameters?
Let’s start with the definition of UTM parameters, UTM parameters are all the information we want to transfer with the link. UTM parameters will be added after the original link as: /link?utm.. – all coming after the question mark are parameters that transfer information but don’t affect the original link.
An average UTM will include 5 parts:
- *utm_source
We answer the question, where are visitors coming? - *utm_medium
We answer the question, how did they see are ad/call out?
- *utm_campaign
We answer the question, what’s the name we gave the campaign?
- utm_term
We answer the question, what keyword or media got users’ attention?
- utm_content
We answer the question, what did the visitor click to get to us?
*The three first parameters are required
A final link with the UTM structure will look like this:
We can write anything in the parameters as long as it’s in the right structure. here are some examples of the different UTMs:
- utm_source: Facebook, Google, Tiktok, Newsletter, Twitter, Linkedin…
- utm_medium: CPC, PPC, social_media, post, artical…
- utm_campaign: Spring_sale, Black_friday, syber_munday…
- utm_term: dynamic keyword.
- utm_content: link, image, banner, button…
The fastest way to create A UTM link:
- checkout googles Campaign URL Builder
How to track UTM data and reports?
All information passed throw the UTM link can be captured by statistics tools. A Woocommerce website for example will not make use of UTM parameters, if the user enters the website via a UTM link and go through different pages, information will be lost on any other page other than the landing page.
So to collect data, a platform needs to be able to save UTM tracking information to browser cookies and save them to any sessions or users with conversions.
With WEmange app and web platform, you can resolve UTM parameters and view useful reports, try it out, it’s free 🙂